What size and dimensions for boat fenders?

The main criteria on choosing the shape of the fenders, rather cylindrical, round or flat ones is determined by the shape of the haull, the lenght of the ship, its weight and the height of the freeboard.

The shape of the haull :

The boat fenders attached to each side are, in pinciple, all of the same type and same size. They can be completed by larger boat fenders in the front and/or in the back of the ship, depending on the haull's design.

The freeboard :

The fender height must be at least 2/3 of the freeboard height of the boat..

The lenght and the weight:

You can find below a table with the diameter of fenders depending on the lenght of a ship.

Quick size-guide of boat fenders

Lenght of the ship Recommended diameter (height of the fender depending on the height of the freeboard)
From 17 to 35 feet (5m to 10m) 15 cm and 25 cm
From 35 to 45 feet (10 m to 13m) 25 cm and 30 cm
From 45 to 55 feet (10 m to 16 m) 30 cm and 35 cm
From 55 to 66 feet (16 m to 20 m) 35 cm, 50 cm and 70 cm
From 66 to 98 feet (20 m to 30 m) 50 cm and 70 cm
98 feet and larger 70 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm

What color for my fender covers?

The bumpers, covers implied, are constantly exposed to UV's. That's why you have to pick the covers in colors that resist better to UV's. Better go for grey or black colors. If the colors fade in time you can easily replace the covers.
